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Tag dalam HTML / PHP part2

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<h1 align=position></h1> Tags which aligns the heading to the left, right and the centre
<strong></strong> Tags which strongly emphasize the bold format.
<em></em> Tags which gives more emphasis to the italic text.
<pre></pre> Tags which preserves the original text.
<sub></sub> Tags which format text as subscript.
<sup></sup> Tags which format text as superscript.
<hr> Tag which insert a horizontal ruler. Closing tag is not required here.
<hr width=n%> Tag which sets the width of the horizontal ruler.
<hr size=m> Tag which sets the height of the horizontal ruler.
<hr nonshade> Tag which creates the ruler without the shadow.
<p></p> Tags which define the paragraph.
<p align=position></p> Tags which align the paragraph to the left, right or centre.
<blink></blink> Tags which create a blinking text.


Sekarang, salin paragraf berikut dan paste ke notepad atau editor teks yang cocok.
Simpan file sebagai bean.html.
<title>Deni Indrawan</title>
<h1 align=center><u>All about Deni Indrawan</u></h1>
<h2 align=right>Date: Nov 30,2011</h2>
<hr width=50% size=10>
<p> <strong>Mr. Deni</strong>is a 24 years old boy, currently studying at <em>BSI</em>. His lecturer is <b>Verra Sofica</b>. There are 33 students in his class.</p>
<p align=center> Here are some facts about Deni Indrawan</p>
Date of Birth : 21041986
Height : 185 cm
Weight : 60kg
Marital Status : Single
Address : Jl.Kestury Raya.
<hr nonshade>
<P align=center> If you wish to match make for Deni Indrawan, please contact him through the following twitter:<blink>@calon_programer</blink></p>
Hasilnya seperti ini :

Deni Indrawan

All about Deni Indrawan

Date: Nov 30,2011

Mr. Deniis a 24 years old boy, currently studying at BSI. His lecturer is Verra Sofica. There are 33 students in his class.
Here are some facts about Deni Indrawan
Date of Birth  : 21041986 
Height : 185 cm
Weight : 60kg
Marital Status : Single
Address : Jl.Kestury Raya.

If you wish to match make for Deni Indrawan, please contact him through the following twitter:@calon_programer

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